About Me

Hi, my name is Dimitrios, I live in a beautiful island in Greece, and I’m a DevOps engineer, python and C programmer with experience working remotely in the Capital markets as a high frequency trader. This is my website where I host my utilities and other stuff I like and perhaps things I collaborate with.

Presently I am attending Computer Science at the Hellenic Open University fulfilling my need to learn something new everyday. In my free time I like programming (code is poetry), play with my kids, and take long walks with my other half.

If you need to contact me click the contact me page and for more information you may also visit my LinkedIn profile.

About the Sine Cera on the top of the page, it is Latin and Greek and it means “without wax”. In the ancient times dishonest or inexperienced sculptors used wax to hide the imperfections of their creations. Sine cera meant an honest and high quality product.